Andronix - Linux on Android

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App Summary

Andronix lets you install Linux on Android without root.


Andronix lets you install a Linux system on your Android Device without root ⚡️.

How does this work?

Andronix uses PRoot to run your favorite Linux distribution on your Android devices.

Andronix uses Termux as the terminal for Andronix Operating System.

What can you do with Andronix?

Pretty much anything you like to do. The Linux Containers are limited by the lack of the entire Linux kernel support, the SELinux policies of

your Android versions, your CPU architecture, and your device's hardware. We have users replacing their actual laptops

and computers with Andronix. If you are looking for something that can support web browsing, coding, or anything else that

is not taxing on your phone's hardware, you can use Andronix without any issues.

You don't have to worry about multi-booting your system, which means you can have all the Un-Modded and Modded OS

installed at once, all 12 OS at once, given that you have the storage for it. Install as many as you like, uninstall them

when done.

How can I access it?

Linux containers that Andronix provides can is accessible via a

CLI (Command Line Interface) as one would have with an SSH connection to a remote system, a GUI (Graphical User

Interface) with various Desktop Environments such as LXQt, Xfce, and LXDE and lastly, GUI

powered by Window Managers like Awesome, i3, and Openbox.

More info in our docs @

Is it free?

Yes! ⚡️ Andronix is completely Ad-free and all the Un-modded distros and free to use as much as you want.

On the other hand, Modded OS is paid but is very economical considering it is a lifetime purchase with unlimited

installs on unlimited devices.

You can also get Andronix Premium which is another way to support the developers. You also get a few perks, including

online sync with Andronix Commands and a web app to access it from any device you want.

Are we open-source? 📖🔓

Yes and no. Andronix is partially open-source. All the free distro tar files and the shell scripts are available on our

GitHub repository. While all the paid things, like the actual Android app and all the files concerning Andronix Modded

OS(s) are closed-source for apparent reasons.

That doesn't mean that we don't love open-source; we 💘 open-source. So if you're a developer or a maintainer of an

open-source project, we will be more than happy to provide you with everything for free for life. Just get in touch with us

and complete the process of verification😊.

What OSs do we support?

Andronix currently supports 8 Un-Modded OS and 4 Modded OS at the moment.

* Un-Modded OS

1. Ubuntu

2. Debian

3. Manjaro

4. Fedora

5. Kali (Most of the pen-testing tools won't work due to kernel limitations.)

6. Void

7. Alpine

8. Arch (Beta support)

What Desktop Environments do we support?




What Window Managers do we support?

1. Awesome

2. I3

3. Openbox


- Termux (F-Droid version) is required.

- Android version should be at least 7.0

- Device architecture supported: ARMv7, ARM64, x64.


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